[Forge] Dice for Gamers with Needs

First I would like to begin with a disclaimer.  I use language in here, and take the word of official scholars and educated professionals who study in these fields, and who deal with scientific facts.  In that vein, our own preferences and those of the people that we interact with, I use language in here that some will not agree with.  This however is common, and you can’t please everyone.  If you don’t like what I say, feel free to not like it, but also feel free to keep it to yourself.   Regarding the dice below; I just want to say, I will not use terms like “Neurodiverse”; as I have family and friends who do not like it, and I also know that understanding the phrase for those who do not live with it requires more knowledge than some have and the term would not help.  As such I have chosen the term(s) I use specifically.   I have used general terms, but based on scientific facts and research by professionals.

These dice are here for those who DO feel they need (or want) them, and I provide them for free.

I will also make these dice in different dice sets from time to time, so keep an eye for links to any auctions.


So a little backstory, my son is on the Autism Spectrum (Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD) .  He is very high functioning but there are some of the traits there, and one of them these is social skills.  In an attempt to help our son, and other ASD kids in the area, to find and make friends; my wife started a social club, starting out with playing D&D for the ASD kids in the group.  I was looking at redoing the character sheets for the kids, because they are VERY overwhelming for them with the default sheets.  So I started doing some research on fonts for those on the spectrum, wondering if there was something to take into consideration.

Well there was.  There was a lot of it.  What I got from the first half dozen articles I read all said the same thing:  that the fonts need to be sans-serif, they need to be spaced well and definitive (by that they are not easily obscured by letters around them.  Think if you have looked at thorn, and it looked like thom; because the “r” and “n” blend into each other.  Then a couple of articles started talking about not just Autism, but also dyslexia.  So I read a few more articles on that subject and found a LOT of similarities in needs.  So that got me thinking about what was out there, what would make it better for gamers with these conditions.

At this time of course, and those who know me will back this up, I also started expanding the box.  I have colorblindness, red/green, but so slight instead of making it hard to see those colors, I can see hundreds of shades of it instead.  It’s weird.  But I DO have a mate from school who is VERY colorblind.  His type is where he can see colors, but ONLY on the primary colors.  Not red however it turns out.  Anything from solid blue (#0000FF) to another color like green (#00FF00) and everything turns gray.  So we had a chat, and all of a sudden, I had all I needed to make dice that look cool, for colorblind players.  THEN I went, what about blind players(?).  There are some kick starters out there, and a couple of people, but none I could find.  Considering this is a game of imagination, I thought it would be good to give them an option as well.

This page is where you will be able to see the dice I am making to help these players get into, or enjoy the game more.   It is also the ONLY location to download these files.  If you get them from anywhere else, they are not legit mine.

Dice for those with ASD and/or Dyslexia

There are several rules for the fonts for those with Dyslexia, and I am using that as the basis for these dice.  As the more severe in regards to how it handles typography, it felt to me that using it hit two targets in one go.  So I have a special font I am using for the dice (and other products) that will make them easier to use for both.  All dice in the zip file below are at a 20 METER scale.  Just in cast anyone had one of those printers that needs a weird scale.

Make sure you check scale when slicing.

Download “Dice for ASD & Dyslexic Gamers” ASD-and-Dyslexia-Gamer-Dice.zip – Downloaded 835 times – 1.94 MB
USAGE RIGHTS (please read!)
By downloading this file, you have agreed to the following as part of the Terms and Conditions of the Fracture Bear website, as well as the commercial rights of it’s owner(s). With these .stl files for dice included in this zip file, you are allowed to do the following.  You: MAY print a master set of these dice to make molds for creating dice. You MAY show off your dice to the world.  You may NOT sell any dice made from said masters, or any masters cast off these stl files. You may NOT forward the zip file to anyone else, the ONLY legitimate source for these files is found at warbearprime.com.  You may NOT SELL, or in anyway make a profit from the blender files, the master molds / molds cast from printed dice from these stl files.  You may NOT sell the molds / molds at all, and or any dice with them including the sets crafted in resin from said molds / molds or any other way these dice can be commercialized.  If you wish to give credit, feel free to point folks to https://fracturedbear.com. If you wish to have ME make me a set, use my contact page.

Dice for the Colorblind (WIP)

These dice are more of a material design than a dice layout design, and in fact these dice use the same font and setup as that of the ASD / Dyslexia dice.  The main difference is the COLORING of the dice!  After consultation with probably the MOST colorblind person I know, and my own experience with red/green color blindness.  The only restrictions for these dice, is the pallet available for these dice.  In fact any of my designs can be good for colorblind people.  I have taken some consideration and testing to create a range of dice just for those who have issues seeing some colors.  Again, these are 5mm larger than standard sized dice to add clarity for the rollers.

Dice for the Blind (WIP)

While there are some places that have dice for the blind, I was not a fan of them or they failed to take off.  So; I will be working with someone with vision problems, to help with the best design.  Those with vision impairment should be able to play games too!  These files will also be available to download for free as well.