by WarbearPrime | May 23, 2022 | Dungeons & Dragons, General News, PrimeForge, Tir Avalon, Tir Avalon, TTRPG RPG Material
PLEASE NOTE This is a work in progress, and is considered in beta at this point and I am doing more testing, but I am putting this here so people can play with it while I refine it. Spellcasting 2.0 – An Addon to the RAW Spell Casting System The base system for...
by WarbearPrime | May 10, 2022 | D20 Tales, Dungeons & Dragons, TA Season 3, Tir Avalon
At the end of the previous episode, the party had cleared their way through the biggest part of the Gnome lair, and were moving forward. As they entered a large chamber, they found two doors, one though a large square building with just 4 columns on each corner, and a...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | D20 Tales, Dungeons & Dragons, Tir Avalon
So when the current campaign started in the final days of 2017, my group had first gotten together, and were off on their first given adventure. They were to find out what happened to another team working for their employer, and they (if possible) were to enter into...