by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | Dungeons & Dragons, TTRPG RPG Material
So I have had a rough few weeks, hence the lack of posting, and the lack of anything, but I have also been getting ready for a 5E game I am starting this Saturday. But I want to make it as interesting as I can for the players, and their characters. So I have done a...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | Macro, Roll20
Roll20 has one problem with the Macro system a LOT of people want fixed. but it just never seems to happen. So I literally had to do something… The reason, is I am playing in Roll20 a Werewolf Archer / Assassin. I had two feats to include, both are -5 to...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | Dungeons & Dragons, Macro, Roll20
I hate heaps of macros, as you might have seen in my other post(s). But there are some spells that give higher levels of result, by being a certain level, and there needed (in my game) to be a macro that could work for any caster, using Cure Wounds. So here it is:...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | BTS, Macro, PrimeForge, Roll20, TTRPG RPG Material
In this article, I will talk about a technique I use to make my GMing world easier to manage, but also helps to immerse the players into the game itself. By pre-rolling a bunch of rolls for anything including skill Checks, rather than using passive checks, or slowing...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | Dungeons & Dragons, Macro, Roll20
Prestidigitation (much like it’s counterpart Thaumaturgy for Clerics) allows the caster, to affect small changes or effects. All of them minor, as this is a cantrip level spell. The following macro for Roll20 is designed to give the caster the options he might...