WarbearPrime’s Sub Tank

I am BAD at keeping fish alive.  So I have stopped trying.  BUT I like fish.  Well, usually, depends on how they are prepared.

But all [bad] joking aside, this is my Sub Tank!


There are currently four ways to choose a fish, and this is them:

  1. (Re)Subscribe – every (re)subscription may choose a fish, 1 / tier.  Tier 3 subs may select a crab.
  2. Gifting a subscription enables the recipient of the gift sub(s) a fish as per 1 above, but the person sharing the gift also gets to choose a fish, kind of…  The sharer instead of a fish, may choose from one of the crabs.
  3. You can purchase one through channel points (as GP) if you wish to also.
  4. This is the Omega level, this is when I just give you a fish for doing something cool for the channel.

The tank will run from July 1 2021 to June 30 2022.  1 year.  On June 30th the tank will be reset at the beginning with 8 x Neon Tetras, one Blue Swimmer crab, and three other random fish.  I will record a video of the full fish tank, and place it on YouTube and TikTok.


Here is an image of all the fish that are available at the moment.  There are three “fish” missing.  Two are crabs, and one is a custom fish, where you can pick colors to change that fish’s appearance.  Click to enlarge the image.


The other part of the tank is that you can also pay to FEED the fish, and once again this is down in the channel points (as GP)