by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | BTS, Dungeons & Dragons, PrimeForge, TTRPG RPG Material
Caveat So in writing this, and for you the reader, I must make this PERFECTLY clear and open. This is NOT me mocking the disorder in any way. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a serious thing and should not be treated lightly, so this is the closest I could come to...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | BTS, Dungeons & Dragons, PrimeForge, TableSmith, TTRPG RPG Material
In the mid to late 70s, as D&D was starting out, they (TSR) were already producing supplements to the base game, and in ONE of those books was a brilliant system to add reality to the combats. When you watch a movie, like Braveheart or Henry V, you see the end of...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | Dungeons & Dragons, TTRPG RPG Material
Introduction I have been gaming a long time, and I have seen and played in a lot of different systems, some good some not so good. As games have changed over time, and new games came out, new systems, each adding different things as they went. Then WotC got a hold...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | Dungeons & Dragons, TTRPG RPG Material
Introduction I see a lot (and I mean a LOT) of posts on Facebook about what being a good GM is, and what should be the starting path to becoming a good GM. This post is going to me my rote answer to those posts, and so I will use it again and again, and again probably...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | BTS, Dungeons & Dragons, TTRPG RPG Material
Introduction This article is intended to show you the reader the flaws in the Gnome in general, but specifically in 5E, and also note all the points that make the Gnome an UN-liked race. It is a race deserving of non existence. But WHY you ask, WHY should I get rid of...
by WarbearPrime | Jan 26, 2022 | BTS, Dungeons & Dragons, TTRPG RPG Material
This is NOT my work, It was shared within one of the communities that I am a part of, and I decided to place it here. I might do my own thing later on, but for now, this is a good option. I am using an iframe to load the page directly below. See the original...