A New Forum

A New Forum

I have to admit, i like forums.  I like them because they are easy to search, easy to find and share information, and it’s more static and easier to search than places like Discord and Facebook.  In fact they suck donkey butt when it comes to looking for...


So I have a few, but a quick note here and more details later.  Releasing later today are new rules for spellcasters and mixing races. Page updates include a lot, so look around.
Pseudo IF Statement for Roll20

Pseudo IF Statement for Roll20

Roll20 has one problem with the Macro system a LOT of people want fixed.  but it just never seems to happen.  So I literally had to do something… The reason, is I am playing in Roll20 a Werewolf Archer / Assassin.  I had two feats to include, both are -5 to...
Cure Wounds Macro for Roll20

Cure Wounds Macro for Roll20

I hate heaps of macros, as you might have seen in my other post(s).  But there are some spells that give higher levels of result, by being a certain level, and there needed (in my game) to be a macro that could work for any caster, using Cure Wounds.  So here it is:...


Alignments are subjective, and are how they interact with D&D has many people seeing them differently, and so as such in how they act.  Others (like me) use it more as an abstract tool for narration, and as a record of the overall philosophy of the character.  In...
Toll the Dead Macro

Toll the Dead Macro

So I was in a Discord server last night, when one of the other members was looking at how to do a macro up for the cantrip “Toll the Dead”.  This cantrip is interesting for one reason, it’s modified by the level of the caster, AND modified if the...
RPG Gaming Etiquette

RPG Gaming Etiquette

So, in the interest of trying to make everyone’s experience at the gaming table better and better, it came to mind that there is one thing that should be addressed, because there are a LOT of people out there that are especially guilty of doing the things I am...
Hexblade Curse Macro for Roll20

Hexblade Curse Macro for Roll20

So one of the guys in the Filthy Pig was having an issue with the SRD5 sheet, specifically trying to get his attack to add the Curse damage (his Proficiency Bonus) to the final result. While he had done this in other sheets, and they had worked fine, somehow the back...
GMing 101

GMing 101

Introduction I see a lot (and I mean a LOT) of posts on Facebook about what being a good GM is, and what should be the starting path to becoming a good GM. This post is going to me my rote answer to those posts, and so I will use it again and again, and again probably...
Ban The Gnome

Ban The Gnome

Introduction This article is intended to show you the reader the flaws in the Gnome in general, but specifically in 5E, and also note all the points that make the Gnome an UN-liked race. It is a race deserving of non existence. But WHY you ask, WHY should I get rid of...